Our History


Treverton has been a campus built by passion, vision, and sacrifice. From the first Treverton, established by Peter Binns in 1945, to the second Treverton, resurrected and established in 1964 by a nucleus of dedicated and far-sighted Baptist men. Treverton has always aimed to provide a balanced, well-rounded education based on Christian values to develop leaders for our Nation and Churches.

Two books have been written that account for the history of Treverton. One in 1985, titled “Hope Beyond” by Syndey Hudson Reed, and one in 2004, entitled “Hope Beyond Expectations” in honour of Treverton’s 50th anniversary.

Our story began in 1963 when Rev Sydney Hudson-Reed, then President of the Baptist Union of South Africa, visited the Treverton Preparatory School for Boys derelict site, which had closed in 1957. After visiting the site, he shared his enthusiasm with friends and encouraged his brother Derek Hudson-Reed, a teacher at St Stithians, to see the school site. Rev Sydney Hudson-Reed had cherished establishing a school embracing the Baptist ethos.

This nucleus of dedicated and far-sighted men was responsible for establishing the Treverton Trust, organising the purchase of the property, applying their organisational skills, and forming weekend work parties to assist with the transformation of the old buildings.

The Preparatory School opened in 1964 with 51 pupils under the headmastership of Derek Hudson-Reed, who took the school through to the first Matric class in 1970. The commitment and resolve of these men who became founder governors were to increase the size of the school property and establish a high school. The Mooi River Municipality donated 73 acres of adjoining land, and the Treverton Trust purchased a neighbouring farm.

In 1978, Treverton became a co-ed school, with the enrolment of girls at the Prep in 1978 and the College in 1979. In 1982, the schools also opened doors to students of all races.


Our Future

Looking forward to our Nation and World's struggles, our purpose and offer has never been more critical. To develop leaders, you need to create well-rounded individuals of sound character who are determined to advance themselves in a turbulent society. They ought to be good stewards of the natural resources that are within their reach. Sustainability is fast becoming an issue that all must address.

Our School looks forward to creating sustainable energy options, pre-empting water scarcity, advocating for renewable resources, initiating recycling opportunities for our local area, and educating our students as it unfolds.

Development across Campus will occur in phases, initially focusing on upgrading our Boarding Houses and then on other pressing facility upgrades.