International Students

At Treverton, we welcome pupils from across the world – around 25% of boarders are from outside of South Africa, and we are very proud of the experiences and cultural diversity this brings to the school.

Rigid Exchange Control regulations necessitate a refundable deposit of one term’s fees (in addition to the usual acceptance fee) being paid to the School before a pupil who is a resident of a country outside of the borders of South Africa may be admitted to the School. This deposit is fully refundable once the pupil leaves the School and the last account is paid in full. This also applies to local parents paying in foreign currency.


All international pupils or pupils who are not SA citizens or permanent residents must ensure they have a valid Passport. All SA citizens must have a copy of their Birth Certificate or Identity Card.

Study Permits

All international pupils or pupils who are not SA citizens or permanent residents need to ensure they have a valid study visa. These can be applied for in your country of residence at your local South African Embassy or VFS Global facilities within South Africa. Contact the Admissions Team to assist with the required information and documentation:

Immigration Documents

Under South African immigration law, all foreign children under 18 must carry certain documents with them when leaving or entering SA.  Please ensure your child has all the necessary documentation before they travel to school:

  1. Certified copy of the child’s unabridged birth certificate showing both parents' names.
  2. Certified parental affidavit at least 6 months old signed by both parents permitting the child to travel across the South African Border.
  3. Certified colour copies of both parent’s passports.
  4. Loco Parentis affidavit not less than six months old, signed by the college head, stating the child resides at Treverton. (Provided by Treverton)

A student's travel documents must be handed in to the staff member in charge at the start of the term. These will be handed back before the end of the term. This measure ensures that these critical documents are kept in a secure space.