

At Treverton, we help our students become world-ready by instilling the ability to think laterally, calculate risk and lead.

Following the IEB Curriculum, which is internationally recognised, we are confident in their ability to study further locally or internationally. Support for students who need to be challenged academically or are being academically challenged is available through extra lessons and private tutorship.

Through our Outdoor Pursuits program, we champion our students’ growth. Not only physically but also in resilience and leadership. Regular OP lessons are timetabled into the students' schedule, where hard and soft skills are taught. The culmination of the OP Curriculum is the Giant Journey in September of the Grade 10 year.

The most important factor in every classroom is the relational development between educators and students.

They are learning how to serve others, which forms an essential part of our approach in College. Multiple services and leadership opportunities help students to see the world – and their role within it – differently. While some are selected for formal positions, such as Prefect or Head of School, all are encouraged to lead from “where they are”.

GRADE 8 & 9

These grades focus on a growing curiosity for learning and a desire to gain a deeper understanding through self-research. Whilst content remains essential, we are focusing on learning skills that will enable the pupils to think critically and apply the knowledge they have or have access to solve real-life problems.

In Grades 8 and 9, many subjects are semesterised, allowing learners to experience each subject before deciding upon a subject combination in Grade 10.

Schooling provides consistency in gaining knowledge, but knowing how to apply knowledge is what defines education. We harness teenagers' natural curiosity and direct them towards using this to design creative solutions to real problems.

GRADE 10 - 12

The Further Education and Training Phase (FET phase) strives to prepare students for an examination at the end of each year and cultivate academic grit. Students are challenged to attain results that exceed their expectations.

The introduction of Career Days, where individuals from the local community and Old Trevertonians can provide insight into the world beyond schooling. Unplugged Days provide the opportunity to learn skills that are not subject-specific but required for life.

Subjects are continuously compared to the IEB average, and educators strive to meet and surpass these measures.

Our College Subjects on Offer

  • tick-circle English
  • tick-circle Afrikaans
  • tick-circle IsiZulu
  • tick-circle French (for foreign nationals in Grades 8 and 9)
  • tick-circle Mathematical Literacy
  • tick-circle Core Mathematics
  • tick-circle Further Studies Mathematics
  • tick-circle Accountancy
  • tick-circle Life Sciences
  • tick-circle Physical Sciences
  • tick-circle History
  • tick-circle Geography
  • tick-circle Business Studies
  • tick-circle Information Technology
  • tick-circle Computer-Aided Technology
  • tick-circle Engineering Graphics and Design
  • tick-circle Visual Art
  • tick-circle Dramatic Art
  • tick-circle Music
  • tick-circle Life Orientation
  • tick-circle Bible Education
  • tick-circle Outdoor Pursuits