A Day in the Life of a Trevertonian
GRADE 8 - 12
- 07h30 - lessons begin (40 minutes per lesson)
- 10h30 - Assembly on a Mon and Fri after is break time. Tue - Thurs Breaktime
- 13h45 - Lunch
- 14h30 - Tutor Time
- 15h00 - Sport practise
- 18h00 - Dinner
GRADE 1 - 7
- 07h30 -Mon and Thurs - line up and morning prayer. Tues, Wed and Fri - line up and prayer
- 07h45 - lessons begin
- 10h00 - break time and play
- 12h20 - Day end for grades 1 and 2
- 13h30 - Day end for grades 3 - 7
- 14h00 - Sport practise
- 15h30 - Home time (bus leaves)
GRADE 000 - R
- 07h30 - Early arrival for those with siblings at Prep or working parents
- 08h00 - Morning circle time
- 09h00 - Snack break
- 09h30 - Learning with play
- 12h30 - End of school day
- 12h30 - Aftercare for grade 000 - R
- 15h45 - Home time for everyone